Open Doors works in over seventy countries, supporting Christians who suffer because of their faith in Jesus.

Here’s what that looks like…

Bibles and Christian Resources

Open Doors provides Bibles and other contextualized Christian materials in minority languages. In 2023, we distributed Bibles and Christian literature to over 1.8 million people worldwide.

Training Christians and Church Leaders

In the last year, Open Doors trained over 3.6 million persecuted Christians across the world. Trainings include leadership and discipleship courses, trauma care and persecution survival seminars.

Supporting victims of violence or disaster

Open Doors works to support persecuted Christians with emergency relief, community development, education and medical care. This includes victims of both natural disasters and violent persecution

Raising awareness and prayer

Across the world, we mobilize prayer support for Christians suffering persecution and discrimination for their faith. We encourage the global church to stand with them in prayer so that they know they are not alone.

Learn more about where we work

Central Asia

The Church in this region faces severe restrictions. This means that Christians have very little freedom and, in some cases, it is illegal for them to meet. Unfortunately, Christians can be beaten, kicked out of their communities, arrested, or killed for their faith in Christ.

As a result, there is an immense need for indigenous church leadership, discipleship, and Bibles in the indigenous languages of the region.

South Asia

In this region, we are seeing a growth in both extremism and religious nationalism. Increasingly these groups want to limit Christian worship and witness through whatever means necessary.

As a result, it is becoming very challenging to follow Jesus. Christians can face discrimination, closure of churches, torture, imprisonment and even death for their faith.

Persecution in Africa is rising because of the growth of Islamic extremism. This has resulted in increasing amounts of violence against the church. With this in mind, Open Doors is increasing our work to strengthen persecuted Christians in Africa.

Some examples of how we accomplish this include trauma counselling, relief aid and persecution preparedness training.
Middle East/North Africa

The Middle East is the birthplace of the Christian Church. However, today, in some areas, the Church has almost been eliminated.

The decline of the Church is of great concern to Open Doors. That’s why we aim to strengthen the Church in the Middle East so they can be salt and light in their part of the world.
Latin America

In this region, Christians can be persecuted by criminal groups for standing for what is right. As a result, these Christians can face beatings and even death.

Also, converts who leave their traditional beliefs are more likely to be persecuted. That is to say, they can be denied access to resources, kicked out of their communities or worse.

Curious about regional-specific priorities and where your donation goes? Click here to read our 2023 Impact Report.


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